UPSC Notes-International Labour Organization (ILO)


  • Established: 1919
  • Headquarters: Geneva, Switzerland
  • Affiliation: Specialized agency of the United Nations since 1946
  • Objective: Promote social justice and internationally recognized human and labor rights.

Key Functions

  1. Standard Setting: Develops international labor standards in the form of conventions and recommendations.
  2. Technical Assistance: Provides expertise and support to member countries to implement labor standards.
  3. Research and Analysis: Conducts research and publishes reports on labor issues, trends, and best practices.
  4. Advocacy and Awareness: Promotes awareness of labor issues and advocates for the rights of workers globally.


  • International Labour Conference: Annual meeting of member states, sets broad policies, and establishes international labor standards.
  • Governing Body: Executive council that meets three times a year to make decisions on ILO policies, programs, and budget.
  • International Labour Office: The permanent secretariat of the ILO, responsible for day-to-day operations and implementation of programs.

Key Areas of Focus

  1. Employment: Promotion of full and productive employment and decent work for all.
  2. Social Protection: Development of social protection systems to provide security and health coverage.
  3. Workers’ Rights: Advocacy for fundamental principles and rights at work, including freedom of association, collective bargaining, and the elimination of forced labor, child labor, and discrimination.
  4. Social Dialogue: Encouragement of dialogue between governments, employers, and workers’ organizations to foster consensus and cooperation on labor issues.

Major Conventions

  • Forced Labour Convention (1930): Prohibits all forms of forced or compulsory labor.
  • Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organize Convention (1948): Ensures the rights of workers and employers to form and join organizations of their own choosing.
  • Equal Remuneration Convention (1951): Calls for equal pay for work of equal value, irrespective of gender.
  • Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention (1999): Urges immediate action to eliminate the worst forms of child labor.

Key Initiatives and Programs

  • Decent Work Agenda: Aims to achieve decent work for all by promoting rights at work, encouraging decent employment opportunities, enhancing social protection, and strengthening social dialogue.
  • Global Commission on the Future of Work: Explores challenges and opportunities posed by changes in the world of work, such as technological advancements, demographic shifts, and environmental sustainability.
  • International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC): Works towards the elimination of child labor worldwide through comprehensive and targeted interventions.


  • Labour Standards: Adoption of numerous conventions and recommendations that set international labor standards.
  • Social Dialogue: Facilitated dialogue and cooperation among governments, employers, and workers.
  • Research and Publications: Produced influential reports and research that have shaped labor policies and practices globally.


  • Implementation Gaps: Discrepancies in the adoption and enforcement of international labor standards across countries.
  • Informal Economy: Addressing labor issues in the informal sector, where a significant portion of the global workforce is employed.
  • Technological Change: Adapting labor standards and protections to keep pace with rapid technological advancements and the changing nature of work.
  • Globalization: Managing the impacts of globalization on labor markets, including issues related to migration, trade, and investment.

ILO and India

  • Membership: India is a founding member of the ILO and has been actively involved in its activities.
  • Ratifications: India has ratified several key ILO conventions and has implemented various labor reforms in line with ILO standards.
  • Collaboration: Ongoing collaboration with the ILO on projects related to employment, social protection, and the elimination of child labor.

Future Prospects

  • Strengthening Enforcement: Enhancing mechanisms for the enforcement of labor standards globally.
  • Inclusive Growth: Promoting policies that ensure inclusive and sustainable economic growth, leading to more equitable labor markets.
  • Adapting to Change: Addressing the implications of technological change, climate change, and demographic shifts on the world of work.
  • Global Partnerships: Building stronger global partnerships to tackle labor challenges in a coordinated manner.
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