UPSC Notes-Global Gender Gap Report

The Global Gender Gap Report, published annually by the World Economic Forum (WEF), benchmarks countries on their progress toward gender parity across four key dimensions: Economic Participation and Opportunity, Educational Attainment, Health and Survival, and Political Empowerment.

Historical Context:

  1. Inception:
    • First Publication: The first Global Gender Gap Report was published in 2006.
    • Purpose: Aims to provide a framework for capturing the magnitude and scope of gender-based disparities and tracking their progress over time.

Key Dimensions:

  1. Economic Participation and Opportunity:
    • Labor Force Participation: Measures the ratio of women to men in the labor force.
    • Wage Equality: Assesses the wage gap between women and men for similar work.
    • Leadership Positions: Evaluates the representation of women in managerial and senior official roles.
  2. Educational Attainment:
    • Access to Education: Tracks the ratio of female to male literacy rates and enrollment rates at primary, secondary, and tertiary levels.
    • Quality of Education: Examines the quality of education received by girls compared to boys.
  3. Health and Survival:
    • Life Expectancy: Compares the life expectancy of women and men.
    • Sex Ratio at Birth: Assesses the balance of males and females born, addressing issues like sex-selective practices.
  4. Political Empowerment:
    • Representation in Parliament: Measures the percentage of women in national parliaments.
    • Representation in Ministerial Positions: Evaluates the proportion of women in ministerial roles.
    • Heads of State: Tracks the number of years with a female head of state over the last 50 years.


  1. Scoring System:
    • Index Scores: Each country is assigned a score between 0 and 1, where 1 represents full gender parity.
    • Subindices: Scores for each of the four key dimensions contribute to the overall score.
  2. Data Sources:
    • International Organizations: Data is sourced from various international organizations, including the International Labour Organization (ILO), UNESCO, and the World Health Organization (WHO).
    • National Statistics: Country-specific data from national statistics offices and government reports.

Global Findings:

  1. Overall Trends:
    • Slow Progress: The overall global gender gap has been closing slowly, with significant variation across regions and countries.
    • Improvements in Education: Educational Attainment shows the smallest gender gap, with many countries achieving near parity.
    • Political Empowerment: The largest gender gap remains in Political Empowerment, where progress has been slow.
  2. Regional Variations:
    • Nordic Countries: Typically rank highest, with countries like Iceland, Norway, Finland, and Sweden leading in gender parity.
    • Middle East and North Africa (MENA): Often have the largest gender gaps, particularly in Economic Participation and Political Empowerment.

Country Rankings:

  1. Top Performers:
    • Iceland: Consistently ranks at the top due to its strong performance across all dimensions.
    • Nordic Countries: Norway, Finland, and Sweden regularly feature in the top ranks.
  2. Lowest Performers:
    • Yemen: Often ranks at the bottom, with significant gender disparities in all four dimensions.
    • Sub-Saharan Africa and MENA: Several countries in these regions face large gender gaps, especially in economic and political spheres.

Challenges and Issues:

  1. Economic Disparities:
    • Workforce Participation: Women’s participation in the workforce remains lower than men’s in many countries.
    • Pay Gap: Persistent wage gaps between men and women for similar work.
  2. Political Representation:
    • Underrepresentation: Women are underrepresented in political decision-making positions globally.
    • Cultural Barriers: Socio-cultural factors and traditional gender roles often hinder women’s political participation.
  3. Educational Access:
    • Quality of Education: Gender disparities in the quality of education received by girls compared to boys in some regions.
    • Dropout Rates: Higher dropout rates for girls due to factors like child marriage, poverty, and cultural norms.
  4. Health and Survival:
    • Sex Ratio Imbalance: In some countries, cultural preferences for male children lead to imbalanced sex ratios at birth.
    • Healthcare Access: Women’s access to healthcare services is limited in certain regions, affecting their overall health outcomes.

Recent Developments:

  1. COVID-19 Impact:
    • Economic Setbacks: The pandemic disproportionately affected women’s employment and economic opportunities.
    • Increased Care Burden: Women took on more unpaid care work during the pandemic, impacting their participation in the labor market.
  2. Policy Initiatives:
    • Gender Quotas: Several countries have introduced gender quotas to improve women’s representation in politics and corporate boards.
    • Economic Policies: Policies aimed at reducing the gender pay gap and promoting women’s participation in STEM fields.
  3. Global Movements:
    • #MeToo Movement: Raised global awareness about sexual harassment and gender-based violence, prompting policy changes and greater advocacy for women’s rights.
    • HeForShe Campaign: UN Women’s solidarity movement engaging men and boys in promoting gender equality.

Future Prospects:

  1. Accelerating Progress:
    • Targeted Interventions: Need for targeted interventions to address specific gender gaps in economic participation and political empowerment.
    • Global Cooperation: Enhanced international cooperation and policy exchange to share best practices and successful strategies.
  2. Technological Advancements:
    • Digital Inclusion: Promoting digital inclusion for women to bridge the gender gap in technology and innovation.
    • Remote Work: Leveraging remote work opportunities to increase women’s participation in the workforce.
  3. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
    • Goal 5: Achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls is a key component of the UN’s SDGs, driving global efforts and investments.
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