TNPSC RTO Inspector Exam Syllabus

The TNPSC RTO (Regional Transport Officer) Inspector Exam, particularly for the position of Motor Vehicle Inspector (MVI), covers various subjects to assess both technical knowledge and general awareness. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the syllabus:

Paper I: Technical Subjects

This paper focuses on subjects related to Automobile Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. The syllabus includes:

  1. Automobile Engineering:
    • Vehicle Dynamics: Basics of vehicle dynamics, suspension systems, brakes, and steering mechanisms.
    • Automotive Engines: Types of engines, components, working principles, fuel systems, and cooling and lubrication systems.
    • Transmission Systems: Manual and automatic transmission, clutches, gearboxes, and differential systems.
    • Emission Control Systems: Understanding of emission norms, catalytic converters, exhaust gas recirculation, and other emission control technologies.
    • Electrical and Electronic Systems: Batteries, ignition systems, lighting systems, electronic control units (ECU), sensors, and actuators.
    • Maintenance and Repair: Regular vehicle maintenance, troubleshooting, and repair procedures.
  2. Mechanical Engineering:
    • Engineering Mechanics: Statics, dynamics, strength of materials, and theory of machines.
    • Thermodynamics: Basic concepts, laws of thermodynamics, heat transfer, and thermal engineering.
    • Fluid Mechanics and Machinery: Properties of fluids, fluid dynamics, pumps, turbines, and hydraulic machines.
    • Machine Design: Principles of design, materials selection, stress analysis, and mechanical components.
    • Manufacturing Technology: Various manufacturing processes like casting, welding, machining, and fabrication.
    • Engineering Materials: Properties, classifications, and applications of engineering materials.

Paper II: General Studies

This paper is designed to assess the candidate’s general knowledge and mental ability. The syllabus typically includes:

  1. General Science:
    • Physics, Chemistry, and Biology fundamentals, with an emphasis on their application in everyday life.
    • Latest developments in science and technology.
  2. Current Events:
    • Major national and international events.
    • Important events related to Tamil Nadu.
  3. Geography:
    • Physical, economic, and social geography of India and Tamil Nadu.
    • Agriculture, natural resources, and environmental issues.
  4. History and Culture of India:
    • Ancient, medieval, and modern history of India.
    • Indian culture, heritage, and freedom movement.
    • History of Tamil Nadu, including its culture and heritage.
  5. Indian Polity:
    • Constitution of India, governance, and public policy.
    • Political system, Panchayati Raj, public administration, and e-governance.
  6. Indian Economy:
    • Basic concepts of economics, economic planning, and development.
    • Current economic issues, including poverty, unemployment, and inflation.
    • Economy of Tamil Nadu.
  7. Mental Ability and Aptitude:
    • Logical reasoning, analytical ability, and numerical ability.
    • Data interpretation, decision-making, and problem-solving skills.


After qualifying in the written examination, candidates are called for an interview, where their technical knowledge, communication skills, and suitability for the role are assessed.

Recommended Books and Resources:

  1. Automobile Engineering:
    • “Automobile Engineering” by Kirpal Singh.
    • “A Textbook of Automobile Engineering” by R.K. Rajput.
  2. Mechanical Engineering:
    • “Mechanical Engineering” by R.K. Jain.
    • “Theory of Machines” by S.S. Rattan.
  3. General Studies:
    • “General Studies for TNPSC Exams” by various publishers like Arihant.
    • Tamil Nadu State Board books for history, geography, and polity.
  4. Current Affairs:
    • Regularly read newspapers like The Hindu or The Indian Express.
    • Magazines like Yojana and Kurukshetra.
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