UPSC IFS Optional Subject List

The UPSC Indian Forest Service (IFS) examination allows candidates to choose two optional subjects from a list provided by the UPSC. Here is the list of optional subjects for the IFS examination:

  1. Agriculture
  2. Agricultural Engineering
  3. Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science
  4. Botany
  5. Chemistry
  6. Chemical Engineering
  7. Civil Engineering
  8. Forestry
  9. Geology
  10. Mathematics
  11. Mechanical Engineering
  12. Physics
  13. Statistics
  14. Zoology


  • Combination Restrictions: Certain combinations of subjects are not allowed. For instance, candidates cannot choose both Agriculture and Agricultural Engineering, or both Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science and Agriculture.
  • Overlap with UPSC Civil Services Exam: Some of these subjects are also offered as optional subjects in the Civil Services Examination (CSE).

When selecting optional subjects, it’s important to consider factors such as your academic background, interest in the subject, and the availability of study materials.

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