The Tamil Nadu Uniformed Services Recruitment Board (TNUSRB) Sub-Inspector (SI) examination includes a section on Information Handling Ability as part of its syllabus. Here’s the syllabus for the Information Handling Ability section:
TNUSRB SI Exam: Information Handling Ability Syllabus
- Basic Data Interpretation
- Tabular data interpretation
- Pie charts, bar graphs, and line graphs interpretation
- Solving problems based on the given data
- Logical Reasoning
- Coding and decoding
- Series completion (number and letter series)
- Blood relations
- Analogy (verbal and non-verbal)
- Classification
- Problem Solving
- Arithmetic reasoning
- Puzzle solving
- Decision-making
- Pattern Recognition
- Identifying patterns in sequences or groups of numbers/letters
- Finding the odd one out
- Data Sufficiency
- Assessing sufficiency of given data to solve problems
- Mental Ability
- Basic arithmetic skills (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division)
- Percentages, averages, ratios, and proportions
- Visual Reasoning
- Picture-based puzzles
- Completing patterns
- Mirror images and water images
This section tests the candidate’s ability to analyze, interpret, and solve problems based on logical and structured thinking.