The Staff Selection Commission Combined Graduate Level (SSC CGL) examination is a highly competitive exam in India that assesses candidates’ aptitude in various subjects, including General Intelligence and Reasoning. The General Intelligence and Reasoning section is a crucial part of the Tier-I examination. The syllabus for the General Intelligence and Reasoning section typically includes the following topics:

  1. Analogies: Similarities and differences between words and numbers.
  2. Classification: Categorizing items based on given criteria.
  3. Series: Logical and numerical sequences, both in alphabets and numbers.
  4. Coding-Decoding: Coding and decoding words and phrases using various techniques.
  5. Puzzle: Arrangement, ordering, and seating arrangements.
  6. Venn Diagrams: Analyzing and drawing Venn diagrams to represent relationships.
  7. Non-Verbal Reasoning: Includes topics like figure series, mirror images, paper folding, and cutting, etc.
  8. Data Sufficiency: Analyzing data to determine if it is sufficient to answer a given question.
  9. Syllogism: Deductive reasoning involving statements and conclusions.
  10. Statement and Assumptions: Identifying valid and invalid assumptions.
  11. Statement and Conclusion: Drawing conclusions based on given statements.
  12. Statement and Argument: Analyzing arguments and identifying valid and invalid ones.
  13. Logical Reasoning: Questions based on critical thinking and reasoning skills.
  14. Direction and Distance: Problems related to the direction and distance of objects or individuals.
  15. Blood Relations: Problems based on family relationships.
  16. Clocks and Calendars: Solving problems related to time and dates.
  17. Mathematical Operations: Performing various mathematical operations.
  18. Series (Number, Alphabet): Identifying patterns in numerical and alphabetical series.

These topics cover a wide range of reasoning abilities and skills, including logical reasoning, analytical reasoning, verbal and non-verbal reasoning, and problem-solving. It is important to practice and understand these concepts thoroughly to perform well in the SSC CGL General Intelligence and Reasoning section. Additionally, candidates should refer to the official SSC CGL notification or website for the most up-to-date and detailed information on the syllabus.

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