Why IAS Aspirants are Choosing Tamil as their Optional Subject

Tamil, a language that originated in the southern part of India, is becoming an increasingly popular choice among IAS aspirants as their optional subject. This may come as a surprise to some, but upon closer inspection, it is not surprising at all. Here are a few reasons why IAS aspirants are turning to Tamil as their optional subject:

1. Tamil Nadu is a prominent state in India and has a rich history and culture. By choosing Tamil as their optional subject, IAS aspirants can delve deeper into the history, culture, and political landscape of Tamil Nadu, which can give them an edge during the interview stage of their IAS exams.

2. Tamil is a Dravidian language, which is very different from the Indo-Aryan languages that most IAS aspirants may be familiar with. Learning Tamil as an optional subject can help IAS aspirants broaden their linguistic and cultural horizons, which can be an asset when dealing with diverse communities and cultures in their future work as IAS officers.

3. The Tamil language has a vast literary tradition that spans over 2000 years. This rich literature includes some of the oldest surviving works of any Indian language, including the Sangam literature, which dates back to the 2nd century BCE. By studying Tamil literature, IAS aspirants can gain a deeper understanding of the language, its roots, and its evolution through the centuries.

4. Tamil is also a key language in South Asia, and its speakers represent a significant portion of India’s population. By choosing Tamil as their optional subject, IAS aspirants can gain a better understanding of the Tamil-speaking population and the unique challenges they face, whether it is political, economic, or cultural.

5. Finally, Tamil Nadu has produced many IAS officers over the years, some of whom have gone on to become Chief Secretaries of their respective states. By studying Tamil as an optional subject, IAS aspirants can learn from the experiences of these leaders and gain valuable insights into the workings of the Indian Administrative Service.

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