UPSC IRS Exam Syllabus

The Indian Revenue Service (IRS) is a coveted job opportunity for many aspirants who desire to work in the finance sector. Through the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), the IRS conducts recruitment examinations every year to fill up vacant positions in the government. If you are looking to appear for the IRS exam, then you must stay updated with the latest syllabus to excel in the examination. In this article, we will discuss the updated syllabus and tips to ace the UPSC IRS Exam.

The UPSC IRS examination comprises three stages- Preliminary, Mains, and Interview. The updated syllabus for the IRS exam includes the following topics:

Preliminary Exam Syllabus:
Paper I (General Studies):

  1. Indian and World Geography
  2. Indian Polity and Governance
  3. Economic and Social Development
  4. General Science
  5. Current events of national & international importance
  6. History of India and Indian National Movement

Paper-II (Civil Services Aptitude Test):

  1. Comprehension
  2. Interpersonal skills including communication skills
  3. Logical reasoning and analytical ability
  4. Decision-making and problem-solving
  5. General mental ability
  6. Basic numeracy (class X level)
  7. Data interpretation (class X level)

Mains Exam Syllabus:
Paper I (Language):
This paper will consist of two sections- Section A (English) and Section B (Indian Language).

Paper II (Essay):
This paper will comprise of 250 marks and will test the candidate’s knowledge and understanding of the current economic, social, and political issues.

Paper III (General Studies I):

  1. Indian Heritage and Culture
  2. Modern Indian History
  3. Post Independence India
  4. History of the world including the Industrial Revolution, French, and Russian Revolution, World Wars, and Decolonization.
  5. Salient features of Indian Society, Diversity of India.

Paper IV (General Studies II):

  1. Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice, and International Relations.
  2. Parliament and State Legislatures- Structure, Functioning, Conduct of Business, and the powers & privileges of members.
  3. Welfare Schemes for vulnerable sections of the population.
  4. Issues relating to the development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to Education, Health, and Human Resources.
  5. International Relations- India and its neighborhood- relations.
  6. Important International Institutions, Agencies, and Forums- their structure, mandate.

Paper V (General Studies III):

  1. Indian Economy and issues relating to planning, mobilization of resources, growth, development, and employment.
  2. Inclusive growth and issues arising from it.
  3. Government Budgeting and Economic Survey, which will test the candidate’s understanding of the Indian budget process, issues related to auditing the finances of a government, and its revenue collections and spending.
  4. Science and Technology- developments and their applications and Effects in everyday life.
  5. Environmental Ecology, Bio-diversity and Climate Change- that will cover general awareness and issues on environmental ecology, bio-diversity, and climate change wherein general concepts and issues are tested.

Paper VI (General Studies IV):

  1. Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude.
  2. Ethics and Human Interface- Human Values.
  3. Attitude- Content, Structure, Function.
  4. Aptitude and foundational values for Civil Service, Integrity, Impartiality, and Non-partisanship.

After clearing the Mains examination, candidates will have to appear for an interview. This interview will test the candidate’s personality, communication skills, and knowledge of their field of study.

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