UPSC IIS Exam Syllabus

The UPSC IIS exam is one of the most competitive and challenging exams in India. The Indian Information Service is a group A civil service under the Government of India. Candidates who want to make a career in journalism or public relations can take the UPSC IIS exam. The exam is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) once a year. If you are planning to take the exam, you must be familiar with the IIS syllabus. In this article, we will provide a complete syllabus guide to crack the UPSC IIS exam.

The UPSC IIS exam consists of two stages – the written exam and the interview. The written exam is conducted in two parts – Part I and Part II. Part I consists of objective type questions while Part II consists of descriptive type questions. The interview tests the candidate’s knowledge, skills, and personality.

Part I Syllabus

Part I consists of General Studies and English Language. The syllabus for General Studies includes Indian Constitution, Indian Economy, Indian History, Indian Politics, Environment and Ecology, Current Affairs, Indian Geography, and Science and Technology. Candidates must have a thorough understanding of these topics.

The English Language syllabus includes comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, and essay writing. Candidates must have good communication skills and should be able to express their thoughts effectively.

Part II Syllabus

Part II consists of the following papers:

  1. Journalism
  2. Advertising and Public Relations
  3. Radio and Television
  4. New Media

Candidates can choose any one of these papers to appear for the exam. The syllabus for each paper is as follows:

  1. Journalism: News writing, editing, reporting, feature writing, press laws and ethics, communication and development, and media management.
  2. Advertising and Public Relations: Advertising management, public relations, marketing communication, consumer behavior, media planning, and research.
  3. Radio and Television: Radio and television production, broadcast journalism, film studies, radio and TV programming, and communication theories.
  4. New Media: Digital media, social media, multimedia journalism, website development, online journalism, and digital marketing.


The interview tests the candidate’s knowledge of current affairs, general knowledge, communication skills, and personality. The interviewer may ask questions related to the candidate’s background, work experience, hobbies, interests, achievements, and future plans.

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