Top 10 IAS Preparation Books

Choosing the right books for IAS preparation can be a daunting task, as there are numerous options available in the market. However, experts in the field of IAS coaching and preparation recommend certain books that can provide a solid foundation for aspirants. Here are the top 10 IAS preparation books recommended by experts:

1. History of Modern India by Bipan Chandra: This book is considered the Bible of modern Indian history and covers various aspects from the 18th century to the present day.

2. Indian Polity by M. Laxmikanth: It is regarded as the ultimate book for understanding the Indian political system and constitution. It covers all the essential topics related to Indian polity.

3. Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh: This book provides a comprehensive analysis of India’s economic development and covers topics like planning, sectors of the economy, and economic reforms.

4. General Studies Paper I by Arihant Publications: This book covers all the topics of the General Studies paper, which includes Indian and world history, geography, economics, science, and technology.

5. General Studies Paper II by MHE: This book focuses on topics like governance, constitution, and international relations. It also includes practice questions for better preparation.

6. Environment by Shankar IAS Academy: This book is the go-to guide for the environment and ecology section of the IAS exam. It covers various topics like biodiversity, climate change, and environmental laws.

7. India’s Struggle for Independence by Bipan Chandra: This book provides a detailed account of India’s freedom struggle and is useful for both prelims and mains examinations.

8. Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude for Civil Services Examination by Subba Rao and P.N. Roy Chowdhury: This book helps aspirants understand the ethical dimensions of governance and provides insights into case studies.

9. Indian Art and Culture by Nitin Singhania: This comprehensive book covers all aspects of Indian art, culture, and heritage. It is an essential resource for the art and culture section of the IAS exam.

10. Current Affairs: Last but not least, reading newspapers regularly and staying updated with current affairs is crucial for cracking the IAS exam. Newspapers like The Hindu and Indian Express are highly recommended.

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