The UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) syllabus for the Civil Services Examination includes a wide range of topics that cover various aspects of Indian society. The syllabus aims to assess candidates’ understanding of social issues, diversity, and challenges in the Indian context. Here are the key components related to Indian society in the UPSC syllabus:
- History of India and Indian National Movement:
- Social and economic impact of British rule
- Indian renaissance
- Social reform movements
- Geography of India:
- Social, economic, and political aspects of geography
- Indian Society:
- Salient features of Indian society
- Diversity of India
- Role of women and women’s organizations
- Population and associated issues
- Poverty and developmental issues
- Urbanization, their problems, and their remedies
- Social Empowerment:
- Communalism, regionalism, and secularism
- Social empowerment, communalism, regionalism, and secularism
- Social Issues:
- Effects of globalization on Indian society
- Social justice and the marginalized sections of society
- Social movements in India
- Role of Women and Women’s Organizations:
- Women’s organizations
- Women-related issues
- Population and Associated Issues:
- Population growth and related issues
- Poverty and developmental issues
- Poverty and Developmental Issues:
- Poverty and developmental issues
- Inclusive growth and issues arising from it
- Urbanization:
- Urbanization, their problems, and their remedies
- Globalization and Its Impact on Indian Society:
- Effects of globalization on Indian society
- Social Movements in India:
- Various social and political movements in India
Candidates are expected to have a comprehensive understanding of these topics and their interlinkages. The examination includes both factual and analytical questions to evaluate the candidates’ ability to critically analyze and articulate their thoughts on various issues related to Indian society.