The Indian Economic Service (IES) exam, conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), tests candidates on a wide range of economic theories, principles, and applications. The exam consists of six papers, which include general English, general studies, and four economics-specific papers. Here is the detailed syllabus:
General English (Paper I)
- Essay Writing
- Comprehension
- Precis Writing
- Grammar and Usage
General Studies (Paper II)
- Current Events
- Indian Polity
- Geography
- History of India
- General Science
- General Knowledge
Economics Paper I (General Economics-I)
- Microeconomic Analysis
- Consumer Behavior and Demand
- Theory of Production and Cost
- Pricing and Output under different forms of Market Structure
- Forms of Market Structure
- Theory of Distribution
- Welfare Economics
- Macroeconomic Analysis
- National Income
- Theories of Employment
- Consumption Function
- Investment Function
- Multiplier and Accelerator
- Money Supply and Demand
- IS-LM Model
- Inflation
- Phillips Curve
- Business Cycles
- Economic Thought
- Classical, Keynesian, and New Classical Approaches
- Contributions of Economists like Adam Smith, Ricardo, Marx, Marshall, and Pigou
- Post-Keynesian Developments
- International Economics
- Theories of International Trade
- Balance of Payments
- Exchange Rate Theories
- Trade Policy
- International Monetary System
- IMF and World Bank
- Public Finance
- Public Revenue
- Public Expenditure
- Public Debt
- Budget
- Fiscal Policy
- Taxation
Economics Paper II (General Economics-II)
- Economic Development and Growth
- Theories of Growth and Development
- Measurement of Development
- Poverty and Inequality
- Human Development Index
- Indian Economy
- Basic Structure and Characteristics
- Growth and Development
- Agricultural and Industrial Policies
- Economic Planning
- Five Year Plans
- Poverty and Unemployment
- Inflation
- Banking and Finance
- Public Finance
- Fiscal Policy
- Globalization and Trade
- Trade Policy Reforms
- Foreign Trade and Balance of Payments
- WTO and India
- Role of FDI and MNCs
- Globalization and its Impact on the Indian Economy
Economics Paper III (General Economics-III)
- Statistical and Econometric Methods
- Sampling Theory
- Estimation
- Testing of Hypotheses
- Simple and Multiple Regression Models
- Multicollinearity, Heteroscedasticity, and Autocorrelation
- Theory of Consumer Demand
- Law of Demand
- Elasticity of Demand
- Utility Theory
- Indifference Curve Analysis
- Theory of Production and Cost
- Production Functions
- Isoquants
- Cost Functions
- Theory of Firm and Market Structure
- Perfect Competition
- Monopoly
- Monopolistic Competition
- Oligopoly
- Pricing Practices
- Price Discrimination
- Pricing of Public Utilities
- Peak Load Pricing
Indian Economics (Paper IV)
- Indian Agriculture
- Agricultural Production and Productivity
- Land Reforms
- Agricultural Credit
- Agricultural Marketing
- Indian Industry
- Industrial Development
- Industrial Policy
- Public Sector Enterprises
- Privatization and Disinvestment
- Labour
- Employment and Unemployment
- Labour Welfare
- Social Security
- Industrial Relations
- Trade
- Foreign Trade
- Trade Policy
- International Trade Agreements
- Finance
- Financial System
- Monetary Policy
- Fiscal Policy
- Budgetary Trends
- Banking System
Candidates should thoroughly study these topics to prepare effectively for the IES exam. The exam requires a comprehensive understanding of both theoretical and practical aspects of economics and related fields.